Yomelela Primary school is situated in Khayaletisha. Their EUNAWE
Science Club comprises of learners ranging from 9 years to 12 years old. Ms Thembela Mapa actively engages learners in a number of scientific and astronomical activities on a monthly bases.
In order to further develop the club activities 16 of the learners engaged in an intercultural activity with Roco Braintino a school near Milan. The teachers Carla Maria Meroni and Thembela Mpama led the discussions. Learners from both countries expressed themselves in their mother tongue and their educators interpreted the information. Learners were able to express themselves more eloquently and
convey their understanding of the concepts of seasons with a better understanding. The learners engaged on a personal and academic level. Learners used the EUNAWE Earth Ball to identify their county and continent. They thereafter demonstrated about how seasons occurred in the Southern Hemisphere using the Earth Ball and the torch. Thank Dr Nicola Loaring for the additional information on seasons.
Learner from both countries ended the Skype with songs. This is the second intercultural Skype conference between the two countries. We hope to expand this opportunity to other participating EUNAWE Science Clubs in Khayaletisha. The children will now begin communication via email.